Sunday, May 6, 2012

No replays yet!

I need to update the recorder. I haven't been able to get any replays, the client kept crashing. :( Soon!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cassiopeia - Hide yo women. Dissection #3


Mine: Corki/Janna Bot, Nid Top, Heca Jungle and Cass(me) Mid

Enemy: Xerath Mid, Udyr Jungle, Riven Top, Soraka and Vayne Bot.

Link - Clicky

Usual start. We head down to protect jungle, and leash then head to lane. Early game Xerath has me on range alone so I play it safe and attempt to farm as he pops me every now and again.

3:00 - Terrible 5 CS to Xeraths 12. I'm pushed to tower just farming where I can while I wait for the jungler to get ready, but sadly I am nearly out of mana so no real good gank available yet. I get pushed to tower again. Hecarim comes to gank, Xerath burns flash and I push out to the middle a bit.

6:00 - My farm is increasing. 21 to 29 now. I'm still sorely low on mana however. I once again get pushed back as Xerath goes turret mode. He hits me, then ults me for the stun at my tower, then again at my tower. Luckily I am able to move back a bit and he cannot hit me a third time.

Heca wants to gank yet again but I am still low on mana. The enemy jungle has taken our blue at this point so I try to wait for mana to come up for the gank but Hecarim goes early. Xerath makes a mistake and goes for the jungler but can't do anything.

8:15ish first blood for the enemy team. Vayne scores the kill on Janna. I finally back at 8:30

9:00 - 31 CS to Xeraths 48. I now have 2 doran rings and boots. Xerath is MIA and hits top with Riven and Udyr. They run towards our tower/jungle. Hecarim heads up to help. Nid takes out Udyr and Xerath gets Nid and Hecarim, but tower aggro gives Hecarim the riven kill.

I push my lane and hit top and take out Riven. In hindsight I should have gone up so much sooner. I return to lane, we start to try to make a dragon happen but we can't. We do however get the perk of finding Udyr in our jungle and slaughtering him.

15:30 - I'm at 68 CS to Xeraths 69. I'm also 1/0/1, Xerath is 1/2/1. Gold advantage to me. I'm level 10 and have blue buff. Cass is very scary at this point in the game. I still have two dorans and now sorc shoes.

We head down to dragon to engage on Vayne and Xerath. I finish up Vayne while Corki finished Xerath. I hit lane and proceed to take wraiths and farm more. At 16:40 I decide to try to solo Xerath. I flash in, poison and then ult as he stuns me and he gets away with little health.

Udyr shows in the jungle at our red with Heca taking it currently so I hoof it back up to help and I take out Udyr as Xerath takes me out. Riven shows and cleans up the rest. :(

18:45 - 90 cs to Xeraths 76. I'm quite bit ahead. I'm also at 3/1/2, Xerath is 2/4/2.

I make a mistake here, Riven and Udyr are engage our nid and hecarim at the enemy blue. I go to help and ult Udyr, sadly I should have let Heca die. Xerath came into play and the three of them destroyed us pretty well. I nearly got out, but not enough.

This is my second and last death.

25:15 - Team fight bot happens and we clean up 3 kills. 119 CS to 112 CS. 4/2/5 to 3/5/5. Still in the lead.

29:40 - Dragon time. We close in as a team on dragon, the enemy team is already there. I ult Udyr, he goes down first. I proceed to get killing blows on Xerath and assist with Riven. We proceed to take dragon and push mid.

31:00 - 6/2/7, 128 CS. Xerath is 3/6/5 with 116 CS. Shortly after a few more kills the enemy surrenders and we win. Overall a successful Cass game for me. I give myself a B+ with this one. I did well.

Udyr - The Junglers Jungler: Dissection #2

Teams: My Side - Udyr Jungle(Me), TF Mid, Singed Top and Graves/Kayle bot

Enemy Team: Fiora Jungle, Riven Top, Cait/Singed bot and Ziggs mid.

Link - Click!

Pretty average start, I go boots+pots and head up to Wolves/Blue. My team leashes pretty well. So here I sit, getting my farm on. Singed is pushing top pretty well, our bottom is freezing the lane out decent enough. TF is a hair over extended in mid but doable.

3:00 - 12 CS and level 3. I hit level 4 and head top for a gank. The enemy Fiora comes in right behind me, the enemy Riven is pushed close to our tower and singed is very low, he drops poison and runs. Bear stance go! I run in and stun Riven mid poison and we get the kill as she runs away... into the poison trail. There's a problem still.

Singe is very low Fiora has about double my health and I'm down to about 250HP to Fioras 515. We both have double buffs so I shift bear and run down river. Now, in hindsight the enemy Ziggs in mid really could have just run up and two shot me but TF has him pretty occupied. Fiora backs off and I live! I run around the far side to our wraiths and vamp up what I can with turtle and head to gank mid. TF goes all aggressive with yellow card and Ziggs flashes away. I head back into my jungle at this point seeing that I am still low and Ziggs, and Fiora are now in mid I B to heal and buy merc boots/ward.

6:30 - 24 CS vs Fiora's 18. 1v0 Kills so far for the team. We're doing alright but it's early. I head to ward/gank bot. Lane is pretty pushed in the wrong direction but I give it a go with Kayle going very low and our AD in good shape. Kayle flashes over me, and I'm in Phoenix. I shift to Bear and stun the enemy Singed he flashes out, so a decent gank. I burnt a summoner and no one died on our side.

Really though. Who doesn't like to make Singe run away AND flash to get away from you? +1. So I go into the bushes and walk into a Cait trap. I'm good. I should have expected it. I go around tri-bush and attempt to gank but in reality I should have just kept killing creeps but I stay to long and waste time.

I feed my mid blue as our tower is nearly dead but we get there in time to safe it and Fiora and Ziggs back off.

I once again decide badly. Top is nearly gone and requested help but I went bot to attempt a gank and I did nothing but waste even more time. I eventually leave and grab golems then base.

11:20 - 43 CS to Firoas 30. 2v1 so far for team kills. I buy wardsx3 and cloth armor. I head bot as our bot lane completely dies but takes Riven down. I head in to farm and Cait and Singe show up. I'm Udyr. I don't care about anything so I keep farming. Kayle comes in behind me with graves not to far behind.

Singed tries to engage and I bear stance, and stun him while Graves and Kayle completely obliterate him. TF pots in and we take tower while I chase Cait but she gets away so we back off and take the enemy blue.

I smite it just as cait and singed move in, it's Udyr, Graves and Kayle by blue however, so I smite steal as Kayle gets flipped. I go in and bear Singed and then we back off. In hindsight I should have stuck on him and we could have gotten him easily and still escaped, he had nearly no health left. I back and Ziggs shows and takes out Kayle.

18:00 - 64 CS to 43 CS. Fiora is however 3/1/1 while I am 0/1/2 overall team kills however are 9 to 6. We're still in the lead however the gold difference is most likely in Fioras favor.

Riven is top solo, so Graves, TF and I chase her out of lane and kill her then start to beat on the tower. Fiora appears out of the enemy jungle as graves has backed off, so it's just me and TF. Fiora also has red buff. I pop turtle as TF throws a gold card and stuns her on the tower and throws more cards chunking her down half way. I go back to the tower and then as the enemy singed shows I bail but end up getting flipped. There are now 4 of us top vs their 3. Our singe shows and lays down his own poison trail - now it's a 5v5 top. We go in at their tower with our creep wave.

The enemy singe goes down first and we take the tower out as I get ulted on by Fiora. Bad move, I bear into her and she drops. Ziggs ults on top of us and takes out our graves as we switch onto Ziggs - He gets chunked quickly and Rive shows. She gets flipped and stunned as again the 4 of us go in. She ults and takes out our TF. Now 3v1. I'm very low, I'm under 200 HP but I decide to go in and stun as Riven kills me and gets the double. Luckily Kayle and Singe clean up

21:00 0 69 CS to 51 CS. I'm now 1/2/4 to Fiora's 3/2/2. My gold is slowly catching up to her. I do notice however at 21 minutes in I am woefully under farmed. I should be farming any and every chance I get if my team doesn't need me. We have a tank so me missing for a couple scrims wouldn't be a horrible thing but live and learn.

Next team fight, Kayle, Graves, TF and I are mid as the enemy Singe, Fiora, Ziggs and Riven take out our first mid tower. As they start to back I run in with bear and flash onto Ziggs. I pop Phoenix as the enemy team starts to run into our singes poison trail. Kayle ults me as I get chased. They are to busy focusing on me and Fiora gets taken out by singe and that poison. Riven goes onto to Kayle as I bear and catch up and stun. I back as Ziggs ends up taking out our Singed with Riven.

Out pops Cait! She ults on me and I live. She AA's me and I live, TF pops in and stuns her as she runs. I believe I did the right thing at this point, I backed and didn't give them any gold. Everyone backs off and I decided to go down and farm bot and attempt to tower push.

Right as I get to the tower Ziggs, Singe and Cait show up. They start in on me chasing. I keep alternating bear and turtle as I run and turn up river as my team comes to meet me. I turn around and go in on Cait, she drops. and we keep chasing.

TF ults in front of the group as they run to stun, Kayle goes the long way. The enemy singe gets flipped and starts to run and drops in the bush. Ziggs dies under his tower just as Fiora shows up and pops ult onto me. She gets stunned at tower as I start taking tower aggro but live and we drop her. Let tower reset and start to burn it.

25:15 - 78 CS to 66 CS. Fiora is now 3/4/2 and I am 1/2/7. I'm ahead in gold at this point easy. We bush it to back and Riven shows. She rushes into it to kill us, but gets dropped. She ends up taking singe with her, but 1v1 trade, we're good. I stick around to late and should have backed but I clear the wave as cait shows and ults graves and drops him.

I head up mid and run into Singe, Ziggs and Cait. They can't do too much to me, I'm pretty tanky at this point but still I wait for my team to enclose on them at our tower in mid. Singe goes in while Cait leaves the group to attack the tower. We rush mid as Ziggs gets flipped and and the enemy team flashes/runs.

TF once again ults ahead of the group as singe catches up to flip them. We take out Cait and Ziggs as FIora takes TF down. I'm taking tower hits and back wisely up but not enough as Riven comes out and crushes me with Fiora and Singe.

30:00 - We baron and it's 78 CS Still to Fioras 73. I'm 1/3/8. Fiora is 5/4/4. With baron we clear jungle and go in on the group as we find them by wraiths. Riven stupidly goes in solo and we take her down, followed by Fiora. I charge ahead into the group running and go after Singed, Ziggs and Fiora. The enemy retreats to tower and we get a good flip on singe and stun and take him out.

With baron we take both mid towers and a top tower. Teamfight! TF Falls first, then Kayle and our Singed. I should have stayed with graves to help, but sadly I don't. Graves takes out Riven, Singe and Ziggs as I run away. Fiora lives with 350 health. If I stuck around I could have assisted and he could have gotten a quadra. I'm a wuss. :(

39:00 - 94 CS to 107 CS. I'm still way behind however I am now 1/4/11. Fiora is 6/5/8 with a finished IE, Phage and Zeal. I have Wits End, Frozen Mallet, Cloth and Chain armor. We head to baron and play cat and mouse.

We find a bunny Riven in the bush and collapse onto her, Ziggs and Cait try to help her but we end up taking her down completely. We chase a bit and fall onto their singed and Fiora and take them out. We head back to Baron to take an easy kill. We push mid immediately to the first inhib.

40:40 - Inhib goes down, I am still at 94 CS but now 1/4/14 to Fioras 107 and 6/6/8. We go in after inhib and take down Cait but I die in the process. The team takes top turret and inhib down.

We move onto Nexus towers and proceed to destroy the inhib and that's game.

Overall? I did alright. I was a tank for the team more than damage but with our TF and Graves we had plenty of overall DPS. I give this game a solid C+.

Whoops. I'm late.

Yeah. I'm behind sorry!

Here's the link for the previous game! - Linky