Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cassiopeia - Hide yo women. Dissection #3


Mine: Corki/Janna Bot, Nid Top, Heca Jungle and Cass(me) Mid

Enemy: Xerath Mid, Udyr Jungle, Riven Top, Soraka and Vayne Bot.

Link - Clicky

Usual start. We head down to protect jungle, and leash then head to lane. Early game Xerath has me on range alone so I play it safe and attempt to farm as he pops me every now and again.

3:00 - Terrible 5 CS to Xeraths 12. I'm pushed to tower just farming where I can while I wait for the jungler to get ready, but sadly I am nearly out of mana so no real good gank available yet. I get pushed to tower again. Hecarim comes to gank, Xerath burns flash and I push out to the middle a bit.

6:00 - My farm is increasing. 21 to 29 now. I'm still sorely low on mana however. I once again get pushed back as Xerath goes turret mode. He hits me, then ults me for the stun at my tower, then again at my tower. Luckily I am able to move back a bit and he cannot hit me a third time.

Heca wants to gank yet again but I am still low on mana. The enemy jungle has taken our blue at this point so I try to wait for mana to come up for the gank but Hecarim goes early. Xerath makes a mistake and goes for the jungler but can't do anything.

8:15ish first blood for the enemy team. Vayne scores the kill on Janna. I finally back at 8:30

9:00 - 31 CS to Xeraths 48. I now have 2 doran rings and boots. Xerath is MIA and hits top with Riven and Udyr. They run towards our tower/jungle. Hecarim heads up to help. Nid takes out Udyr and Xerath gets Nid and Hecarim, but tower aggro gives Hecarim the riven kill.

I push my lane and hit top and take out Riven. In hindsight I should have gone up so much sooner. I return to lane, we start to try to make a dragon happen but we can't. We do however get the perk of finding Udyr in our jungle and slaughtering him.

15:30 - I'm at 68 CS to Xeraths 69. I'm also 1/0/1, Xerath is 1/2/1. Gold advantage to me. I'm level 10 and have blue buff. Cass is very scary at this point in the game. I still have two dorans and now sorc shoes.

We head down to dragon to engage on Vayne and Xerath. I finish up Vayne while Corki finished Xerath. I hit lane and proceed to take wraiths and farm more. At 16:40 I decide to try to solo Xerath. I flash in, poison and then ult as he stuns me and he gets away with little health.

Udyr shows in the jungle at our red with Heca taking it currently so I hoof it back up to help and I take out Udyr as Xerath takes me out. Riven shows and cleans up the rest. :(

18:45 - 90 cs to Xeraths 76. I'm quite bit ahead. I'm also at 3/1/2, Xerath is 2/4/2.

I make a mistake here, Riven and Udyr are engage our nid and hecarim at the enemy blue. I go to help and ult Udyr, sadly I should have let Heca die. Xerath came into play and the three of them destroyed us pretty well. I nearly got out, but not enough.

This is my second and last death.

25:15 - Team fight bot happens and we clean up 3 kills. 119 CS to 112 CS. 4/2/5 to 3/5/5. Still in the lead.

29:40 - Dragon time. We close in as a team on dragon, the enemy team is already there. I ult Udyr, he goes down first. I proceed to get killing blows on Xerath and assist with Riven. We proceed to take dragon and push mid.

31:00 - 6/2/7, 128 CS. Xerath is 3/6/5 with 116 CS. Shortly after a few more kills the enemy surrenders and we win. Overall a successful Cass game for me. I give myself a B+ with this one. I did well.

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