Friday, April 27, 2012

Dissection #1 - Vlad Mid

So here is my first attempt at a dissection of the game I played.

I was Mid Vlad I started boots +3 our team consisted of AD Sion top, Twitch and Morgana bot and Shen in the jangle. In hindsight I probably should have let Morgana mid and I should have gone bot, it would have been better I believe.

I started the game off wandering aimlessly around blue incase of invade, then moved to mid. In my lane I had an Ahri. Ahri just has superior poke to my Vlad and I shouldn't have been so aggressive. Ontop of all that my Twitch wasn't a super help. He was there stealth watching as I engaged..and stayed stealth then attacked a minion as I died. I picked up a ward and went to help top out since he had B'd.

My next mistake was early at level 2 - I didn't take pool. With a champ like Ahri I should have pooled at 2. Also at 4 minutes, I had a whopping one CS from dealing with her range. Sion attempted a gank and if I had pool we would have been successful, though I backed off when Ahri had little to no health left.

And because of the range again, Ahri killed me a second time at my tower and this is within the first six minutes of the game. At this point Ahri has 3 kills already, no deaths. Top lane Urgot against our Sion has one kill.

At the 7 minute mark it's 2 kills to their 5. I have 13 CS to Ahri's 25. So my farm was horrible, I was too worried about that range. My items still consist of a potion and starting boots. Ahri dives me at tower and takes enough damage to die with another tower hit, or a shot from me. I'm low, but if I had killed her the gold gained from her spree would have far outweighed my death. In hindsight, I should have gone for it rather than backed.

10 minutes in 48 CS to my 23. Shen decides to gank my lane as he had been babysitting our top and we finally get Ahri dead and I get the credit so I gained 366 gold ontop of the 150 for the kill. Not bad. I back to buy. At this point in the game I have merc boots, a tome and wards. Ahri however has a needlessly large rod, boots 1, Sapphire Crystal and a Dorans Ring. One Q from Ahri and I'm losing a 5th of my life.

13 minutes in and it's 64 to 36. Shen comes to gank, and I was completely oblivious. Ahri did entirely to much damage as well as the tower to shen. If I had noticed I could have assisted in the gank quicker and been less costly.

15 minutes - 44 to 64 CS. I'm catching up - Finally. I back to the base and pick up a revolver and.. more wards! I'm warding both sides of my lane to be safe. Lane swap and Akali comes into my lane then leaves to only come back into the lane. I push to tower and back off. Akali is autoattacking minions. I really should have gone in to harass, but I stayed back. Played it a bit to safe. As before, Shen comes up mid and I miss him and Sion going down. I ult as he dies, and back off to get away from this 3 man gank of the enemy Shen, Akali and Ahri.

20 minutes - I have 65 CS, Merc Treads, WOTA and more wards. Ahri has 90 CS, Dorans, Crystal, Rod, Blasting Wand and still level 1 boots. She's going early DC. Overall score is 7-15 kills. Enemy team is definitely ahead. My mid tower is still standing, but top is gone. Urgot attemps to gank me with Ahri and Talon from my bush and switches me. I pool, I dodge Ahri's charm and run to tower. I get a good ult toss on all three, and with the tower and ult I take down Ahri. Worth it.

At the 22 minute mark I head bot, our tower is almost gone and 3 people are on it. Smart thing to do would have to head to the last standing tower bot as it was about to fall but no, I engage and pool. I use my only escape and I die very quickly. If I had gotten my ult off, possibly could have taken one with me but 2 kills+tower(as they killed a team mate) was worth far more than a single kill. So grade F on that choice there.

25 Minutes: It's actually slowly getting better at this point. Our team is out lasting their team (Urgot, Ahri, Shen, Talon and Akali). I have 87 CS to Ahri's 101. However I am 2/3/1 and Ahri is 6/3/1. She has entirely more gold than I do by a substantial amount not to mention the dragons and now 2 towers we've lost. Our team is on the defensive by my tower. Shen, Twitch and I. The enemy Shen, Akali and Ahri dive us. I pool, and slow. Shen taunts and twitch starts to rip through them. They burn flash and ults as I ult onto them. Ahri takes out twitch and ults away. Our morgana comes up from behind as Shen is still going in. Talon pops up from the bush and obliterates me and almost Shen as well. So that trade was worth nothing, we lost two people. We should not have chased.

30 minutes into game. I finally buy more items. Merc Treads, Giants Belt, Wota and tome. 112 CS to Ahri's 127. I'm 2/4/1 to Ahri 7/3/4. Still pretty bad actually. 8-23 kill wise overall. The other team is way more fed however, we still are trying!

We end up catching Urgot going into our top jungle and we swarm in on him take him out pretty quickly. I go back to farm mid, and I notice Shen top with Akali. Shen taunts and Akali is taken low as I run up to help, so do Ahri and the Enemy Shen. Akali is low so I drop ult on all three people still at full mostly. My ult finally hits and Akali goes down, still two on two now. I'm taken low by Ahri so I pool as shen is still focused on her and Ahri and I go down at the same time. Urgot shows and shen bolts for it.

I do believe this is the turning point, it's 35 minutes into game. I have a Rylai's, Wota,Boots and a health gem. 126 CS to Ahri's 148. Ahri is now 8/4/4 while I am 3/5/3. Ahri still has more gold, and items to proove it. Rod of Ages, DC, Blasting Wand and Sorc shoes. It is now 13-24. We are starting to push and this starts end game, as we begin to win most fights. We head mid and a team fight breaks out.

We ace them, we lose Shen and myself. Our team pushes 3 mid towers and the mid inhib before we back off to dragon. We are now 18-27 at 38 minutes. We show up at baron and go in as they kill him. Once more, we ace the team. We lose Twitch and myself again. We push down both nexus turrets and take the nexus down to about 1/5th of health. Sion pushes bot, however if he had pushed with mid the game would be over, but it continues.

Dawn of the Final Day

42 minutes into game: 23-29. We have to back off as they all pop up. We buy items, and farm some more.

45 Minutes: We pushed all top towers and inhib down. No towers, or inhibs left for the enemy team. My current build is Randuin's Omen, WOTA, Merc and Rylai's. I decide to iniate with a pool and then Shen ults into me. We go on the team. Urgot falls first, then Akali, Twitch and Myself along with Sion. Morgana and Shen clean up however and proceed to push them back and end the game.

What should I have done better? Everything. I needed to CS more. I needed to take skills based on the champion in my lane. I need better map awareness and I need to stop wimping out when I should be able to get a kill and have it be worth it even if I do die in the process. I do not mid often so this is a pretty bad showing from me. I do get better however!

Well, this is the first one of many. Next will be Monday! Hope you enjoyed, or didn't enjoy.

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